"To find the universal elements enough; to find the air and the water exhilarating; to be refreshed by a morning walk... to be thrilled by the stars at night; to be elated over a bird's nest or a wildflower in spring - these are some of the rewards of the simple life."

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sometimes there is nothing better than sitting down and talking with someone who ACTUALLY knows you. Someone who gets you, who has been to hell and back with you.

Laying in bed and chatting with Kate is nothing new, but it's a luxury in our lives. We were best friends for a year, over four years ago. For the past three years we have been 3,000 miles apart, yet no one has been closer to me. Sitting down with Kate is a breath of fresh air. I don't have to explain my past, explain my heartaches or my successes. She's seen me through it all. My relationship with Kate is relatable to that of someone's first love.
(sidenote: I just googled "relatable" because this post says I am spelling something wrong. The sentence for "relatable" at merriam-webster is, 'Kate's problems make her more relatable.' Ironic.)
Kate was my first best friend, it's not something one forgets. She will always be the first person I call when something in this harsh world makes me cry. I'm literally conditioned to do this, it is no longer a conscious choice.

In essence, it's comforting to have someone who REALLY knows you. I wouldn't want to have a lot of people with this title. I can say that having Kate in my life has always been a positive influence, I wouldn't be where I am today without her. Who can you say that about?


Taking a 180, I love talking to people who you've just met. I just started a new job this weekend and I love getting to know people, learning all the basics, getting comfortable, making safe jokes. I have to make a conscious effort to not make judgments based on first impressions. Let me tell you, this job is putting me through boot camp, but I love learning to accept/adapt to other people's quirks.

LIFE LESSON: If you shut out people who have different opinions/beliefs/hobbies/goals, you are only affecting yourself. Accept people who are different, you can only grow and learn from it.

"The open-minded see the truth in different things: the narrow-minded see only the differences."


I found happiness in a variety of ways today now that I'm thinking about it.

I've never been too keen about calling myself a 'runner'...that is until now.
Today I reached my goal that I set for the beginning of June (apparently I need to learn how to set goals better). It hurt like my entire legs and back were being tattooed at one time, yet I couldn't stop smiling. I'm turning into the person I didn't want to be, but I'm looking through a new perspective. I hope running is the most selfish thing I do in any given day.

Friday, May 6, 2011

No better time than the present.

I've recently found my life all too cluttered by the 21st century lifestyle.
My goal is to simplify and appreciate.
Nature. Relationships. Impact. Attitude. Fitness.

Although creating this blog could seem rather contradictory, I think (and hope) it will serve as a reminder to search and recognize the significant aspects of my day to day life.  I also love shared experiences.

Today was my first day back home. I could breathe fresh air. Rise with the sun instead of a 20 story building. Run without stopping every 300 ft. at a stoplight. See old friends around town. Lay under the stars.

My happiness today was driving with my windows down, my sun roof open, and the perfect song playing.

Made In Heights- Skylark Interbang